

來源: 發布時間:2020-08-31

The paramotor, weighing from 45 to 90 lb

(20 to 41 kg) is supported by the pilot during takeoff. After a brief run

(typically 10 ft (3.0 m)) the wing lifts the motor and its harnessed pilot off

the ground. After takeoff, the pilot gets into the seat and sits suspended

beneath the inflated paraglider wing like a pendulum. Control is available

using brake toggles for roll and a hand-held throttle for pitch.


Powered paragliding has seen a large growth

in the military including insertion of special forces soldiers and also Border

Patrol in many governments. The Lebanese Airborne regiment adopted this

technique in 2008, and the US Army, and Egyptian Army have used Paramotor Inc

FX Series units for many years.



動力傘發動機多數是兩沖程機器,加普通汽油,要摻混兩沖全合成機油,比例一般30:1或40:1。油耗根據發動機排量大小而不同,約為每小時4升。動力傘的飛行高度取決于飛行環境和器材的性能,特殊比如轉子發動機的動力傘,曾經飛越過珠峰。要問能飛多遠,要看油量,風的大小,是順風,還是逆風,靜風時,一般時速45公里。順風能上60公里,逆風會在45公里以下,甚至懸停倒退。動力傘不著陸飛行的世界紀錄已經超過1000公里,根據中國民航法的規定,115公斤以下的飛行器不強制要求飛行員擁有飛行執照,美國,英國,法國等航空大國的法規在這點上和中國一樣的,動力傘屬于115公斤以下的飛行器,所以不強制要求飛行員擁有飛行執照。動力傘飛行分運動員賽事飛行和愛好者休閑飛行,做一名動力傘運動員需要有運動證書,才有參賽的資質。運動員證書由中國航空運動協會懸掛滑翔及滑翔傘委員會頒發。作為一名愛好者飛行雖然不強制要求飛行執照, 系統的理論學習和地面操作練習是必須的,并且要遠離機場,居民中心,飛機起降航線,**,邊境等重要地區。隨著國家低空逐漸開放,相應的國家有關飛行規定,具體可參照中國民用航空器飛行規則等有關內容。




The HGFA Training Syllabus is through, and

our extensive training programs are considered one of the best in Australia,

taking you well beyond the minimum requirements giving all pilots a solid


Our Paramotoring course starts out learning

the techniques and skills involved in Paragliding. After several hours of

ground handling, you can expect to take your first solo flights at our private

training field. When you have mastered your launching, landing and basic glider

skills, you will progress to your motor training.




Paramotor noise relative to an observer

depends on distance, loudness, frequency and timbre of the power unit. Most

noise comes from the propeller and slow rpm is perceived as the quietest.

Pilots mitigate their sound impact by leaving a noise-sensitive area at low

power, keeping the farthest practical distance away, and reducing time spent

near the area.

License and training

Neither a license nor specific training is

required in the U.S., U.K. or many other countries. Where there is no specific

regulation (e.g. Mexico), paramotor flying is tolerated provided the pilots

cooperate with local officials when appropriate.[citation needed] In countries

where specific regulation exists, such as Canada, France, Italy, and South

Africa, pilots must be trained, both in flying theory and practice, by licensed

instructors. Some countries that require formal certification frequently do so

through non-government ultralight aviation organizations.

Regardless of regulations, powered

paragliding can be dangerous when practiced without proper training.

