

來源: 發布時間:2020-10-08





線束也根據飛行員的需求而有所不同,因此設計范圍很廣,主要是:初學者的訓練用安全帶,雙人旅客的Pax防護帶(通常還兼用作訓練用安全帶),長距離越野飛行的XC線束, Pod線束,適用于基本至中級飛行員的全能線束,適用于專注于XC的中級至專業飛行員。雜技安全帶是專為雜技飛行員設計的,兒童雙人安全帶現在也提供特殊的兒童防盜鎖。




在極少數情況下,無法從通縮中恢復(或從諸如旋轉等其他威脅性狀況中)恢復過來的情況下,大多數飛行員會攜帶備用(救援,緊急情況)降落傘。但是,大多數飛行員從來沒有理由“扔”他們的儲備。如果機翼在低空發生放氣,即在起飛后不久或著陸前不久,機翼(滑翔傘)可能無法迅速恢復其正確的結構以防止發生,飛行員通常沒有足夠的剩余高度來部署后備力量降落傘[**小降落高度大約為60 m(200 ft),但通常在穩定期使用120-180 m(390-590 ft)的高度進行典型部署]。備用降落傘的不同包裝方式會影響其部署時間。


In 1952 Canadian Domina Jalbert patented a

governable gliding parachute with multi-cells and controls for lateral


In 1954, Walter Neumark predicted (in an

article in Flight magazine) a time when a glider pilot would be "able to

launch himself by running over the edge of a cliff or down a slope ... whether

on a rock-climbing holiday in Skye or ski-ing in the Alps."[3]

In 1961, the French engineer Pierre

Lemongine produced improved parachute designs that led to the Para-Commander.

The PC had cutouts at the rear and sides that enabled it to be towed into the

air and steered, leading to parasailing/parascending.

Domina Jalbert invented the Parafoil, which

had sectioned cells in an aerofoil shape; an open leading edge and a closed

trailing edge, inflated by passage through the air – the ram-air design. He

filed US Patent 3131894 on January 10, 1963.[4]


Radio communications are used in training,

to communicate with other pilots, and to report where and when they intend to

land. These radios normally operate on a range of frequencies in different

countries—some authorised,[18][19] some illegal but tolerated locally. Some

local authorities (e.g., flight clubs) offer periodic automated weather updates

on these frequencies. In rare cases, pilots use radios to talk to airport

control towers or air traffic controllers. Many pilots carry a cell phone so

they can call for pickup should they land away from their intended point of



GPS (global positioning system) is a

necessary accessory when flying competitions, where it has to be demonstrated

that way-points have been correctly passed. The recorded GPS track of a flight

can be used to analyze flying technique or can be shared with other pilots. GPS

is also used to determine drift due to the prevailing wind when flying at

altitude, providing position information to allow restricted airspace to be

avoided and identifying one's location for retrieval teams after landing out in

unfamiliar territory. 








This can be very dangerous, because now the

forces on the line have to be controlled by the moving object itself, which is

almost impossible to do, unless stretchy rope and a pressure/tension meter

(dynamometer) is used. Static line towing with stretchy rope and a load cell as

a tension meter has been used in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and other Eastern

European countries for over twenty years (under the name Malinka) with about

the same safety record as other forms of towing.[21] One more form of towing is

hand towing. This is where 1?3 people pull a paraglider using a tow rope of up

to 500 feet. The stronger the wind, the fewer people are needed for a

successful hand tow.[22] Tows up to 300 feet have been accomplished, allowing

the pilot to get into a lift band of a nearby ridge or row of buildings and

ridge-soar in the lift the same way as with a regular foot launch.[23]

